Front Office Developer
Louis Dreyfus Highbridge Energy
Wilton, CT
March 2009 – November 2009
• Worked on the commodity trading floor to provide immediate problem resolution and support of various energy trading tools and platforms.
• Designed and developed the Position Curve Tool (PCT) in Flex and Java on Glassfish application server. The PCT provides rich, interactive graphical analysis tools for many different time-series commodity price datasets.
• Designed and developed the Composite Curve Tool (CCT) in Java Swing and Glassfish. The CCT allows for comparative analysis of the firm’s trader’s futures curve estimates against industry averages.
• Designed and developed an energy information portal in Flex and Java that provided rich visualizations of disparate data retrieved from many different data sources.
• Maintained the core trading analysis platform, which is built in Matlab.
• Core technologies used: Flex, Java, Matlab, Oracle, Glassfish, Tomcat